Susquehanna Baptist Association is a fellowship of Southern Baptist Churches in Cecil, Harford and Baltimore Counties in the state of Maryland, with one church in Baltimore County. Susquehanna Baptist Association is affiliated with the Baptist Convention of MD/DE, and with the Southern Baptist Convention, but is an autonomous organization governed by representatives from its member churches.
The purpose of Susquehanna Baptist Association is to unite its member churches for fellowship and the advancement of the Lord’s Kingdom. The three main objectives of the Association are: (1) to strengthen existing churches, (2) to start new churches, and (3) to encourage the churches to advance the Lord’s Kingdom through giving, supporting, and participating in mission work beyond their own area of ministry.
The work of the Association is directed by a Director of Missions, who also serves as a consultant to the churches of the Association and as a liaison between the Association and its affiliated state and national organizations. A Ministry Assistant works with the Director of Missions, overseeing the work of the Association office and assisting the Director of Missions in his work.
The Association has an annual meeting in the Fall of each year to conduct the business of the Association, including the adoption of a budget and the election of officers. Twice a year, in the Winter and in the Summer, the Pastors of the churches and lay representatives meet together as an Executive Board to decide on and conduct further business of the Association.
The Association has adopted the Baptist Faith and Message (2000 edition) of the Southern Baptist Convention as its statement of faith and accepts into its fellowship churches of like faith and purpose.